Downtown Indy Website

Status: Existing

Description: The Downtown Indy Website provides information on Indianapolis events, activities, and parking to promote tourism and business (

Stakeholder: Indianapolis Downtown, Inc.

Systems Interconnected
with the Downtown Indy Website

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Downtown Indy Website:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Downtown Indy Website:

Downtown Indy Website flows into icon Event Promoters Downtown Indy Website flows into icon Indianapolis DPW Operations Center Downtown Indy Website flows into icon Indianapolis MPO Planning Operations Downtown Indy Website flows into icon INDOT Indianapolis TMC Downtown Indy Website flows into icon IndyGo Operations Center Downtown Indy Website flows into icon Intelligence Fusion Center Downtown Indy Website flows into icon MESA System Downtown Indy Website flows into icon Personal Computing Devices Event Promotersflows into iconDowntown Indy Website Indianapolis DPW Operations Centerflows into iconDowntown Indy Website Indianapolis MPO Planning Operationsflows into iconDowntown Indy Website INDOT Indianapolis TMCflows into iconDowntown Indy Website IndyGo Operations Centerflows into iconDowntown Indy Website Personal Computing Devicesflows into iconDowntown Indy Website Private Parking Management Systemflows into iconDowntown Indy Website TrafficWise Traveler Information Systemflows into iconDowntown Indy Website

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Downtown Indy Website:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Downtown Indy Website:

Last Updated: 1/8/2024
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