z Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (example project)

Project Description: The Electric Vehicle Charging Station project is an example framework for electric vehicle charging stations as a reference/guide in support of stakeholder discussion and ITS planning.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
account updates Electric Charging Management Center Payment Administration Center Planned
actuate secure payment Payment Device Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Planned
actuate secure payment Payment Device Vehicles Planned
actuate secure payment Vehicles Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Planned
authorization request Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Payment Administration Center Planned
authorization response Payment Administration Center Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Planned
current charging status Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Vehicles Planned
electric charging services inventory Private Traveler Services Vehicles Planned
electric charging services inventory TrafficWise Traveler Information System Vehicles Planned
electric charging station data Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Electric Charging Management Center Planned
electric charging station information Electric Charging Management Center TrafficWise Traveler Information System Planned
electric charging station management information Electric Charging Management Center Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Planned
electric charging utility info Electric Utility Electric Charging Management Center Planned
electric service requests info Electric Charging Management Center Electric Utility Planned
meter control Electric Utility Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Planned
meter data Carmel Vehicle Charging Stations Electric Utility Planned
payment methods Payment Administration Center Electric Charging Management Center Planned
usage and billing info Electric Utility Payment Administration Center Planned
vehicle charging profile Vehicles Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts: Regional Objectives from the Metropolitan Plan: Last Updated: 1/8/2024
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